In the late 80s I did my first venetian plaster job. Back then, only artisans from Europe, mostly Italy, knew the secrets of these plasters and I remember our confusion as we learned on the fly. Venetian plaster is a broad term, but basically refers to a plaster product with additives of marble dust in varying degrees of amount and fineness. These plasters are applied with trowels and burnished, from rough pitted looks to satin or extremely high polish like glass. Over the years the venetian plasters have become readily available and their use prevalent in anywhere from museums to stores and apartments. For the last decade the decorative painting field in our country has seen an explosion with inventive means of applying these plasters: from the imaginative use of the trowel in creating interesting movements to materials suspended in the plaster like shells, glass or straw.
High Sheen Teal Venetian Plaster in a Park Avenue Apartment
High Sheen Teal Venetian Plaster
Venetian Plaster with a Trompe L'oeil Motif in a Brooklyn Brownstone
Venetian Plaster with a Trompe L'oeil Motif in a Brooklyn Brownstone
High Sheen Venetian Plaster in a Central Park West Apartment
High Sheen Venetian Plaster
High Sheen Venetian Plaster in a Madison Avenue Penthouse
Textured Marmarino with Gilded Molding Details
White Venetian Plaster Living Room Walls in Fifth Avenue Apartment
White Venetian Plaster Living Room Walls in Fifth Avenue Apartment
White Venetian Plaster Living Room Walls in Fifth Avenue Apartment
White Venetian Plaster in a Fifth Avenue Living Room
Lime Wash in a Bath
Pepper Marmarino Blocks in a Park Avenue Lobby
Peppered Marmarino Sample for a Park Avenue Lobby
Blue Roman Clay Powder Room Walls
Muted Teal Marmarino Walls
Textured Plaster in a Madison Avenue Apartment
Detail of Textured Plaster
Detail of Textured Plaster
High Sheen Teal Venetian Plaster in a Madison Avenue Apartment
Teal High Sheen Venetian Plaster Kips Bay Showhouse
Venetian Plaster in the Kips Bay Showhouse with Rod Winterrowd
Venetian Plaster in the Kips Bay Showhouse with Rod Winterrowd
Pearlescent Venetian Plaster in a Park Avenue Bath
Pearlescent Venetian Plaster in a Park Avenue Bath
Detail of Pearlescent Venetian Plaster
High Sheen Venetian Plaster
Textured and Gold Tipped Marmarino Plaster in a Westchester Synagogue
Textured Gold Tipped Marmarino Plaster with Faux Bronze Hebrew Letters
Textured Marmarino Tipped with Gold
Textured Venetian Plaster with Faux Stone Hebrew Letter and Carving
Chinese Red Venetian Plaster Walls in a Fifth Avenue Apartment
Chinese Red Venetian Plaster Walls in a Fifth Avenue Apartment
Red Venetian Plaster Powder Room for an Upper Eastside Townhouse
Textured Venetian Plaster Fireplace
Textured Venetian Plaster Fireplace
Textured Venetian Plaster Fireplace
Textured Venetian Plaster Walls
Textured Venetian Plaster Walls Detail
Textured Marmarino Columns in a Fifth Avenue Apartment
Textured Marmarino Column Detail