It is not often that requests come for sculpture. But when they do, we employ our skills to realize the designer's or client's vision or offer our own. The reliefs below are some of my favorite works to come out of my studio. Reliefs are found on anywhere from the walls of egyptian tombs to the antique architecture of Greece and Rome. Ghiberti's 15 century "Gates of Paradise" in Florence and Rodin's 19th century french masterpiece "The Gates of Hell" show the extraordinary level of craftsmanship and inspiration that can be achieved with this particular technique.
Tropical Themed Bas Reliefs in a Palm Beach Mansion
We worked with the artist Lisa Lee to bring these beautiful pieces to realization, ultimately covering 700 square feet of a Palm Beach mansion's walls. The influence of 17th and 18th century Japanese screen painting is unmistakable.
Bronze Cat
Bronze Cat
"Night" of "Night and Day" Table Centerpiece for a NY Charity Event
"Day" of "Night and Day" Table Centerpiece for a NY Charity Event