There is no dearth of beautiful lobbies in New York manifesting an array of different styles and ornament. Buildings that were constructed many decades ago often have suffered years of neglect and well-meaning designers have obscurred, for better or worse, the original splendor of the time period they were made. I have had the pleasure of doing restoration in some of these beautiful lobbies and am always fascinated when uncovering the original intention of the architect or designer and bringing it back to life.
285 Riverside Drive New York
Faux Travertine Walls, Architectural Ornament Restoration and Glazing
Faux Travertine Walls, Architectural Ornament Restoration and Glazing
Faux Travertine Walls, Architectural Ornament Restoration and Glazing
Faux Travertine Walls, Architectural Ornament Restoration and Glazing
Faux Travertine Walls, Architectural Ornament Restoration and Glazing
Faux Travertine Walls, Detail
BEFORE Entrance Ceiling in the Process of Repair and Restoration.
AFTER Restored Ceiling and Faux Travertine Walls
AFTER Close-up of Restored Ceiling and Faux Travertine Walls
BEFORE Architectural Scroll Ornament and Lambs Tongue Molding Damage Prior to Restoration
AFTER Architectural Scroll Ornament Restoration and Glazing
AFTER Close-up of Architectural Scroll Ornament Restoration and Glazing
800 West End Avenue New York
Marmarino Plaster Blocks, Faux Portoro Marble
Marmarino Plaster Blocks, Faux Portoro Marble
Marmarino Plaster Block Detail
Faux Portoro Marble
Faux Portoro Marble
Faux Portoro Marble Detail
Faux Portoro Marble Detail
Marmarino Plaster Block Detail